Once again we see a total lack of confidence and apathy in our local government elections, Gazette Thursday 27th December 2012. This time in Withernsea where a mere 5.4% of residents bothered to turn out and support their local council elections, it is reported that the winning candidate with 67 votes told the Gazette ‘something needs to be done to raise the profile of elections as a priority for the future’.
Whilst I fully agree with the first half of that statement ‘something needs to be done’ I wholeheartedly disagree with the remedy. You can inform residents as often as you please telling them there is an election but if those residents have no confidence in local democracy or their local council there is still no point in taking the time or trouble to place your vote when you see that vote as being meaningless!
We need to look at how our Parish and Town Councils are managed, are they well managed, open and transparent, inclusive and embracing of residents, do they give meaningful and frequent updates as to activity within the Parish, do councillors engage with residents and represent their views in council, do they encourage residents to become involved and take part in the life of the Parish. All too often the answer to these questions and many others is a resounding NO!
There are obviously some residents in Withernsea who do care about local democracy but are unhappy with the performance of their local council hence the request by at least 10 registered voters for there to be an election instead of a co-option where the council are able to engineer a likeminded member of their own choosing, perpetuating the ongoing problem and further increasing the apathy of voters.
In conclusion, it is Parish and Town Council’s along with a number of sitting Councillors that are the problem not residents and it is to the management of councils that we need to look and take action if things are to improve for the better. For that to be achieved residents must take action as a group and lobby their council’s to adjust their ways and behaviour for the benefit of residents and their parishes.
From comments by some resigning Withernsea Councillors as reported in the Gazette it’s quite clear that good councillors are prepared to resign rather than be forced into performing an inferior role to that expected by the public who elected them. If we keep losing these good people who clearly have a sense of ‘civic duty and pride’ and leave in place councillors who are less than committed to their residents needs and views we are heading for a total breakdown in public confidence, although with a 5.4% turnout as stated above maybe we’re almost there now.
We have all the same problems in Preston where the Parish Council is in my view poorly managed, lacking in transparency, failing to engage with residents, manage public funds in a cavalier way and disregard legal requirements when it suites them. These are all symptoms of a failing council with little to show in the way of leadership and the situation will only be remedied by residents taking constructive action to turn the position around to bring good governance to the village.
Preston Parish Council often give just 2 clear days notice of council meetings when the legal requirement is a minimum of 3 clear days notice, without that notice the Parish Council has no legal authority to convene a council meeting or to conduct any business on behalf of the council or parish. During a Council Meeting (October 2012) where the council had failed to give a minimum notice of 3 clear days the council co-opted a new member with no legal authority to do so.
Consequently we now have a member of the public sitting in council, taking part in council discussions and voting on items of agenda that affects the Parish and its residents, which will make all subsequent council meetings questionable!
On the good side, for the first time since the mid 1990’s Preston has had the benefit of residents being involved in a village project, namely the management of our Community Hall and their achievements have been exemplary with an outstanding improvement and refurbishment of the Community Hall, which is a credit to all who have been involved. This result surely demonstrates that residents are the power behind such projects not councils or councillors who merely act as ‘facilitators’ by handing the project to residents, councils cannot achieve such results on their own.
Preston resident, by email.
Name and address withheld by request.
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