A Chairman:
Is a
member of the Council and is elected annually
Has the
authority at meetings and must be obeyed
Is the
interface between the public and the Council
The one
to welcome speakers and make them ‘feel at home’
Is to
make sure the decision is clear for the clerk to act upon
Note: The Chairman on his
own has no power to make decisions without the Resolution of the Council.
Presiding at the
first Annual Meeting of the Parish Council:
The retiring chairman, or in his or her
absence, the vice chair must preside at the meeting for the first item on the
agenda (after apologies and checking previous minutes) ‘To Elect
Chairman’. If it is a meeting after an election then the retiring chair
or vice chair presides, even if they are no longer councillors. If both
are absent then the meeting may appoint another councillor to preside. It is illegal for a clerk to take the chair
at a meeting.
Election of a Chair:
If the presiding chair is no longer to
be a member of the council then he only has a casting vote. If he is
still going to be a member then he has a vote and a casting vote (he can vote
for himself if he wants). The chairman of the council should give a
report to the APM on the activity of the council (in this meeting, if he is not
an elector in the parish, he only has a casting vote).
Once voted in, the new chair signs his
declaration of acceptance of office and presides over the meeting immediately.
What does a good chairman do?
Plan the meeting with the clerk and ensure that everything on the agenda is legal.
Brief themselves and
prepare fully – study all relevant information and
anticipate the needs and interests of the members. The Chairman can then
answer questions or deal with requests for information.
Be punctual – the Chairman should set a good example by arriving early to check
the arrangements and welcome members, the public and any visiting speakers.
Conduct the
Check there is a quorum (minimum number of members needed to
make the meeting legal)
Call the meeting to order and declare it open
Welcome members, the public and visiting speakers to the meeting
Introduce the standard items on the agenda – apologies;
declarations of interest; confirmation of minutes of previous meeting.
Introduce the agenda items and ensure that all members know what
they have to achieve and how they might do it encourage participation.
- Stimulate an exchange of ideas and experience.
- Ensure that all have a chance to express their views freely.
- Keep the members aware of objectives.
- Maintain focus.
- Guide and progress discussion towards achieving the objectives.
- Manage conflict.
- Be fair and balanced.
- Preserve order.
- Enforce rules of procedure.
- Rule on disputed matters.
- The Chairman has the power to Barr any person from the meeting for being disruptive or abusive after reasonable warning, including councillors.
The Chairman as an individual
As an individual, the chairman has few
powers that can be exercised outside of a properly called meeting. The one
that springs to mind is that the chairman can call an extraordinary meeting
(although two councillors can force an extraordinary meeting if the chairman
refuses to do so).
In meetings, the chairman has a good deal
of discretion about how to run the meeting, although this should be exercised
in such a way as to promote fair debate with adequate opportunity for views to
be put. There is no sure fire way to get rid of the chairman until the
next annual meeting, when there must be an election for chairman again.
Agenda items should not be refused
provided they are within the remit of the council. For example, a local
Parish Council cannot debate the war in Afghanistan because it is outside the
scope of the council's responsibilities.
agenda items on local matters must be included, and the clerk has only a
limited power to correct grammar, or seek clarification. The chairman's
role in the agenda is to collaborate with the clerk with the aim of achieving
an effective meeting.
resignation of the Chairman must be given in written notice to the council, not
the clerk.
The Chairman will often be the public face of the council and will
represent the council at official events. He may be asked to speak on behalf of
the council in such circumstances he must only express the agreed views of the
council and not his own personal views. The
Chairman cannot legally make a decision on behalf of the council.
The Chairman is responsible for ensuring that effective and lawful
decisions are taken at meetings of the council and, guides activities by
managing the meetings of the council. The Chairman is responsible for involving
all councillors in discussion and ensuring that councillors keep to the point.
The chairman summarises the debate and facilitates the making of clear
resolutions and is responsible for keeping discussions moving so that the
meeting is not too long. The Chairman has a casting vote, his first vote is a
personal vote as a member of the council. If there is a tied vote, the Chairman
can have a second vote, a casting vote.
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