Friday, 11 January 2013

My Identitiy

Written for the blog by aresident of Preston.

Today I was asked if I had set up this blog by a person from a certain group, no I did not set up this Blog, other people are part of the effort, I do not have overall control, though I have stipulated that nothing can be attributed to me without my express permission. I am simply a contributor and was asked to do so before the Blog came about. I am more than happy to contribute for obvious reasons, I am not happy with Preston Parish Council, along with many other people (for different reasons) in Preston but it appears that I am currently alone in so far as I am the only person prepared to put my head above the parapet, this I would hope may change in the future as the effort grows and widens. That will be measured against aims and objectives that have already been set, leading up to 2015.

There is one circumstance where I have full and absolute control. My agreement specifically states that ‘Should I as the main contributor and whilst that position remains, withdraw from contributing to the Blog, this Blog shall cease and all trace must be removed from the web to my satisfaction.’  This will leave a group of people to decide whether or not to continue, ‘should they chose to do so, they must open another Blog not using the same name as this one nor using previous contributions posted in this Blog by me’. I have also agreed circumstances which would justify my withdrawing support with immediate effect and that has been agreed by all parties.

Anyone who knows my history with Preston Parish Council, particularly on two issues will have absolutely no doubt of my identity because I contribute in the ‘first person’, had I wished to conceal my identity I would have written in the ‘third person’, though its practicality in this circumstance is questionable. People who would not be able to identify me from my contributions are people who are probably not from Preston, not on Preston Parish Council and not related to or friends of Preston Parish Councillors, or friends of friends etc.

To date I have not named any person or councillor out of respect for their privacy (I have no personal axe to grind) and whilst I accord you that privacy I shall give that same privacy to myself. As I write this posting I do not have any intentions of putting names to any future contributions, though I am prepared to reconsider that position under certain circumstances which have been pre-determined and possibly on an ‘item by item’ basis.

I am reasonably aware of a local authorities restricted legal ability to defend itself against libel or defamation though that is not a leverage I would personally feel comfortable using in a public arena, it’s a question of consideration and fairness and an individuals own sense of honour. Notwithstanding that, without a resolution with the council on the issue of dishonest councillors, I shall review that position when on the subject of dishonest councillors, who I believe should be named and shamed even though I would find it a difficult step to take on a personal level. I shall also vigorously pursue that matter until there is a resolution.

I can give an absolute assurance to any reader of my contributions that I shall not submit any contribution that I do not believe to be truthful and accurate. I will never embellish any article to make any situation or person look worse or better than it is, including myself. As mentioned in a previous posting I have committed to publishing letters that I sent to the council during 2010, if I misrepresent them to my benefit I’m sure the council will soon correct me. 

I attach only one caveat, I make every effort to be well informed on council procedure and laws that govern Local Authority Administration, that does not make me an expert and I am not a Parish Clerk so I’m sure there will be times when my interpretation is inaccurate. Where this occurs I shall endeavour to make every effort to correct it as soon as possible.

I have also been asked why I have taken this step and not settled my differences with the Parish Council before now? I shall hopefully answer that question in the next few days.

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