Saturday, 5 January 2013

Thankyou - Reponses to feedback

Thank you.

I would like to thank all those people who have contacted us via the blog email address to lend their support and approval, I do understand why you do not want your identities to be known and you have our assurance that they will not under any circumstances be given to any third party.

As requested I shall answer some questions via this blog.

SW. Yes you are right, I know 4 councillors who have been grossly dishonest and shall deal with that in a future blog, we are currently taking legal advice, I’m sure residents would prefer not to have untrustworthy people on our council making decisions on our behalf. As far as those councillors being able to contact us, they would be welcome we will deal with them with the utmost respect   and accommodate them as far as possible, we will meet anyone halfway but we will not be bullied or intimidated. To answer your final point, should any of those councillors contact us, their contact will remain strictly confidential and will never be released to any third party.

TS. The blog is connected to other media outlets such as local newspapers, reporters, local companies etc. it is also connected to twitter and other social media and actively seeking additional audiences as we speak. As the blog grows we intend to widen its access and readership as far as possible while continuing to narrow the focus onto the East Riding and Preston in particular.

MH.  No I do not have anything against the council or any councillor on a personal level I simply disagree with their actions, how they manage the Parish, waste our money and treat residents. My sole aim as I have informed the Parish Clerk on at least on six occasions, when they are looking to spend a large chunk of money that I have contributed to and possibly burden us with a debt I expect to be consulted, or at the very least informed as a resident. There is currently a project being driven along by a councillor using The Preston Playing Field Charity as a vehicle, should this materialize into costing the parish public funds I believe residents should be   consulted, after all it’s our money. We will be posting a blog on Preston Charities in due course.

BC. Yes you could be right, I may be wrong on every subject but as I explained in the introduction to this blog without communication with the council and for as long as the council refuse to discuss issues with residents that is firmly the responsibility of the Parish Council and is a symptom of poor management and a failing organisation. It is the council’s responsibility to inform and explain to residents…….we elected them!

AP. Our only aim is to improve the management of Preston as the village we live in.

TW.  Yes I did write some letters mocking the councillors during 2010 and well deserved  they were, we shall cover those in a future blog, we have nothing to hide and will be as open and honest as humanly possible, if we are at fault we will be the first to say so! The council still use those letters as a smoke screen to prevent outsiders from looking into their activities probably under the direction of some older councillors so in reality they have proved very useful to the council.

MW. I’m sure some people who read this blog will suspect they know my identity and at some point that information shall be released in full.

WB. I have tried on numerous occasions to settle any concerns with the council amicably, in good faith and put them to rest for good. The council has utterly refused to discuss any item and it is that intransigence that has led to this step, there are other steps we can take but they will follow in due course as and when deemed necessary.

We do hope this answers some of your questions if not we will do our best to clarify on request but please bear in mind there will be many blogs published over the coming months and we do not wish to pre-empt them.


Once again thank you


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