Monday, 26 August 2013

Parish Council Poster.

We would just like to repeat, this blog is not run by any one person, it has a number of residents as members and we work as a team, no single member has full control on what appears. If you wish to comment on anything on this blog you should either comment through the normal channel or email us direct, If you would like to join our group please email us, thank you.

3. Parish Council Poster.

The council poster has now appeared (21/08/13) and it starts off by saying “The following information is to help residents of Preston address the concerns raised in the anonymous poster, circulating in the parish, claiming dishonesty amongst parish councillors and that this should be addressed.” The parish council it would appear has abandoned any and all responsibility for dealing with anything and passed it all to residents, it lists all the steps (bar one) that have already been taken, the parish council is fully aware of that and are therefore intentionally trying to side step having to answer any of the issues raised.

We see no reason to alter the post below, which was prepared before the poster appeared.

During the Council Meeting (16/08/13) the council agreed to publish a prepared poster, because it hasn’t appeared yet its difficult to comment on it, but the Council Chairman did outline its content. It is to let people know that the council is there for them and they’re a caring bunch of folks who are approachable, if any residents have any concerns, complaints or queries they should contact the council who will deal with them in a caring manner. That’s essentially what the Chairman of the council said during the meeting, but it may change so we wait to see the final product.

Let us comment on what we understand at this point, the council is to let all residents (or as many as possible) know that they can take any query to the council and the council will respond efficiently, fully and in a caring manner. Presumably this actually excludes any difficult questions relating to issues on this blog? It also excludes any person suspected of being associated with this blog. There are many residents who over the years have written to the council and never received an acknowledgement or response, so presumably it also excludes those residents too. It would seem the target audience of the council’s poster is rapidly diminishing in this small community so it isn’t after all meant for all residents.

The council are there to represent all residents equally without favour or prejudice and they are legally required to not discriminate against any gender, sexual persuasion, ethnic group, political opinion or individual who may not necessarily agree with them. They are also required to be open and transparent, is that about to undergo a miraculous transformation too?

The council may use the ploy of stating that they are not required to answer questions that are from an anonymous source. All the questions on this blog have been asked by at least one resident. The council has those requests on file along with the address, phone number, email contact etc. If the council is turning over a new leaf and want to convince us all that it has changed, start by answering the questions from that resident.

If the council would like to respond to this blog we would be pleased to hear from them and their comments will be published in full unless they request anonymity or are abusive of course!

Conclusion, the poster is really quite worthless and is designed to enable the council to side step the issues and avoid any difficult questions, that makes no difference to us what so ever, we continue!

What we find appalling about the poster is that the council are basically saying “now’t to do wi’ us guv, must be them residents who’re responsible …let them do the answering!”

If there are any residents with similar experience of the council do please contact us by comment or email. If you wish to remain anonymous please use our email facility, if you wish we will post on your experience without your identity being released, or not post anything if you simply want to share your experience it’s entirely up to you. We would love to hear your story, your not alone, there are a number of us, let us compare notes and grow as a group.

1 comment:

  1. A Preston Resident.26 August 2013 at 18:38

    The council should take responsibility for addressing the issues instead of blaming everyone else except themselves especially residents who have played no part in this.
