Wednesday, 21 August 2013

1. Our response to Preston Parish Council.

We would just like to remind readers, this blog is not run by any one person, it has a number of residents as members and we work as a team, no single member has full control on what appears. If you wish to comment on anything on this blog please comment through the normal channel or email us direct, If you would like to join our group please email us we would be pleased to hear from you, thank you.

1. Our response to Preston Parish Council.

We have now received detailed information on what transpired during the council meeting held on Friday 16th August 2013. This response is now complete so we will post it in full, however there are a few points to cover so we are posting it in sections, they are,

1.     Our response to Preston Parish Council.
2.     Non-Response of Preston Parish Council to this blog.
3.     Proposed Council Poster.
4.     Petition Proposed by Preston Parish Council.
5.     The 'Proper Channels'.
6.     Council Rage and Fury at This Blog.
7.     Our Offer To The Parish Council to Remove This Blog

Let us just reflect for a moment to gather our senses because there is no sense at all in the council’s actions over this blog, at least not if their objective is to make us go away. As part of their meeting on 16th August the council was to consider a response to “Anonymous Allegations” on this blog. It turned out to be a bit of a damp squid but at least it’s from the council so we now have something to get our teeth into.

They’re agreed response was to not respond to us at all. The council is instead trying to exorcise us just as a priest would a house but someone appears to have advised them they can do it without visiting the house or using a holy man, holy water or bible! Who on earth is giving such appallingly bad advice to the parish council, the council blindly follow advice that damages their own position and supports our cause and increases our members and readers. For us to achieve that it would cost us a lot of money, thankfully we’re not paying for it the parish council are paying, sorry! residents are paying for it! Looks like another waste of public funds to us! Is there someone on the council who is closely connected to their external advisors?....we suspect so!

If the council makes such appallingly poor judgements over such a simple task as responding to a blog how are we expected to have faith in their judgment when it comes to looking after our money? Or taking any decision on our behalf for that matter, as a village we’re doomed to stumbling from cock-up to cock-up while the council is run by these so called  community Leaders”, we are inclined to call the whole episode a joke, unfortunately the sheer incompetence of this council has cost residents far too much money for it to be a laughing matter!!

So what have they done? Well, at first they did their usual party trick by ignoring us for 6 or 7 months pretending we didn’t exist probably because they couldn’t figure out what to do about the blog, anyway we may have gone away under our own steam, that would save the council from having to make any decisions.

Eventually after 6 months or so of inaction the council reach the conclusion they must do something after all and set out to ‘respond’ to the blog. We don’t quite know what that phrase means to others but to us it means you will reply or interact in some way with your adversary, not to the council. They apparently want to interact with anyone except their adversary, this blog?

Next post:   Non-Response of Preston Parish Council to this blog.

If there are any residents with similar experience of the council do please contact us by comment or email. If you wish we will post on your experience without your identity been released, or not post anything if you simply want to share your experience it’s entirely up to you. We would love to hear your story, your not alone, there are a number of us, let us compare notes and grow as a group.


  1. Can't wait, just put it all on! Your headings are brilliant!

  2. Hi Ricky,

    Thanks for your comment, there is an accurate but explosive post among the headings but afraid you'll have to wait for that, we intend to post all sections over the next week or so.

    Thank you for reading and for your comment.

  3. Preston resident21 August 2013 at 11:01

    I agree with everything you’ve put Iv contacted the council a long time ago and still no response, looking forward to your other chapters and thinking of joining you.

    1. Thank you resident

      Sorry you've had such an experience with the council we know how frustrating it is. Please e mail if you want to get to know us, we're quite friendly and welcoming and would love to hear from you.

      The team.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry Ricky,

    A new member not quite sure how to publish yet

    The team

  6. Do you accept members from outside Preston but very nearby?

  7. Hi Ricky,

    We're still a small group but steadily growing, all members to-date are from Preston so we haven't had to consider it so far. We originally decided on a 2 tier membership, 1. members, these are preston residents and Associate member (still full members and referred to as such), these are members who will have joined us from outside Preston.

    Its important that we separate them because should we carry-out any type of Poll, survey etc. among members it may be only Preston residents are eligible and must be on the electoral roll for Preston and we therefore need to be able to identify them quickly and accurately.

    This is all Academic at present because we are still a small gathering but we did consider growth at the outset and that issue had to be addressed. So yes we would accept members from outside Preston and very welcome they would be.

    We did receive your email thank you and we will reply, hopefully this evening, thanks again Ricky.

    The team.
