Sunday, 10 February 2013

Update on the Play Park.

As you may recall a few days ago I received some flak for mentioning the Play Group, although I suspected who they were from (2 of them anyway) those comments were answered in a civil manner and I gave my reasons for the comments.

I showed them every respect and I do not believe I belittled them in any way, I asked ‘Me’ and ‘Anonymous’ if they would be good enough to send details of their consultation which they said they had carried out and also the numbers of people who voted for the project. I assured them I would be very pleased to listen and if possible support them and their efforts.

 To date nothing has been received but I note there are postings on a Facebook group referring to me as ‘Mr. Negative’ and ‘Mr. Anonymous’, ‘Mr. & Mrs. what’s the name’, ‘single and in my opinion a negative person’, the posting also asks ‘Mr. Negative might want to put some positive efforts in’ you might note their contact with this blog was ‘Me’ and ‘Anonymous’, are there two sets of rules or is it just me who is not allowed to use such titles? Simply because they disagree with my view?

The person making these remarks obviously does not know me, has never spoken to me and is either not aware of the things I have done in the village or is choosing to ignore them in order to boost his own standing.

The council’s influence is quite obviously spreading to their associates who like them have no desire to discuss any issue, or at least not with the person they should be discussing it with.

It would appear to be much easier to go off to another internet site and call me silly names including ‘disgusting’ (by another poster), clearly not very nice to be referring to someone you don’t know as ‘disgusting’ on a site that appears to support the Play Group. It appears that I seem to be the only one who is willing to have a civil conversation with my detractors.

I find it sad that a Facebook page such as ‘Preston the village’ who state they do not want any name calling but positive comments only should allow such name calling and belittling of some one they are not prepared to discuss any issues with. The page seems to be largely populated with parents who chatter amongst themselves about their kids, traffic and all sorts of other issues such as what are the next events coming up.

I wish their group well and hope they continue to grow and prosper with many like minded members joining them but the behaviour I mention here is really not very becoming of them, could I ask you to moderate your opinions or at least talk to the person you intend to belittle and listen to their view, if you do not I’m afraid that amounts to hypocrisy.

In my case I made many attempts to reach agreement with those I had differences of opinion with, only after failing in those repeated attempts for 3 years did I take the step I’m taking now. It seems to be my only recourse to put my view and I clearly feel that I have every right to that redress, those who oppose my view know exactly who I am and are aware of this blog.

If they wish to contact me and discuss our differences to seek a mutually satisfactory outcome for all parties, I’m here and I have been willing to discuss our differences for the last 3 years.

I have not after 3 minutes scurried off and secretly posted my unfounded opinions using someone else’s site as a mouthpiece without first attempting to resolve any issues

Could I ask when you requested me to discuss anything you disagree with me on, I don’t recall you ever have. So please, until you do would your site and your members please cease in your disparaging comments that are clearly without cause or substance. May I also ask that you remove such remarks against my person or this blog at your earliest opportunity, and confirm same, I thank you in anticipation.


  1. The chap who posted the comments is well known for being a climber and wanting to be involved with other peoples business, he'll tell you what he thinks you want to hear, nothing genuine there. I can't understand why he put his nose into your argument with the council people unless to defend his wife who's a councillor, but if she's that sensitive and fragile maybe she shouldn't be on the council at all.

    Just for your information, not everybody supports the Play Park there are lots of people who don't, I'm a resident close to where they want to put it, if I remember right it was the kids off Rands and Oaktree who damaged the last one.

  2. angry, never been asked!11 February 2013 at 09:53

    I agree with the last comment there are plenty of people who don't want a park and what the man said about throwing a rope over the 1st oak tree he meets is a little insensitive isn't it? given his audience, this man should learn to think before speaking.

    I think the Play group were given or promised about £15,000 towards the thing so he'll be friends with them, he should never have involved himself in your argument like he did, but it will be all your fault not his.

    I read the other comment but not sure why the original park closed down, anybody know?

  3. Eldon Drive resident11 February 2013 at 10:12

    If they are getting such a lot of money for the playground because parents have asked for it, or parents picking up kids from school want it, then ok but why not ask other people as well who might be effected by it, we certainly don't want it. Ask everyone

  4. I admire your sheer bloody persistence mate most would have given up long before now you get my vote on that point alone. People in this village won’t stand up to these freeloaders no matter what they do so until villagers get together nothing will change but enjoyed reading your blog and wish you good luck

  5. Theres a much better appeal in Preston at the moment that would benefit the WHOLE village not just a group of parents but a resident wont get anywhere it seems you have to get on the council to get access to support from them. They'll always support their own pet projects.

  6. Looked on the site you mentioned, all they're doing is trying to shoot the messenger, they should be contacting the council and telling then to get the mess sorted out once and for all.
