Friday, 1 February 2013

Reply to comments AG, Anonymous & SK.

Response to comments, AG, Anonymous and SK.

Written for the blog by a Preston resident.

We agree there is no place for such emails, we welcome all emails including any that may not agree with what we are trying to do. We understand that there are a number of people who will support the council in whatever they do, we respect their position but do not necessarily always agree with them. 

We support the council when we believe they are right and acting in the best interests of residents. However it would be entirely unhealthy to have the years between 1997 and 2011 return when no alternative views were considered or tolerated.

Your comments suggest that the council should contact us and ‘disown’ that abusive email, we are not calling for the council to do that because we do not believe any member of the council sent it. The council cannot be held accountable for the actions of an individual who may not be connected to the council.

We have had an email asking if a particular councillor sent the abusive email, again we do not believe he did and it would therefore be wrong to try to attach any blame to that individual.

I would agree that if the council wished it could comment and disown the email if only to encourage their supporters to engage in a constructive debate if they wish to contribute at all, that we would consider helpful.

In any community there is bound to be differences of opinion and the only way to resolve those differences to the satisfaction of all parties is to discuss them, that is the only road to resolution, unfortunately that has been the elusive element to-date, that is what we are trying to correct.

Thanks for your comments and for reading the Blog.


  1. Theres always one that cant talk but that kind of act doent do anyone anygood so their best not saying anything.

    I agree with you the council should comment we are people they are supposed to represent.


  2. Your post on governance reviews and reducing the number of councillors, if I wanted to sign it what would I need to do?

    Andrew M


  3. Comments answered on main page.

    Thanks for reading and commenting
