Saturday, 2 February 2013

Information request not satisfied.

Information request, not satisfied.

Written for the Blog by a Preston resident.

As listed in a previous posting (Getting information from Preston Parish Council Sat. 12 January 2013) I requested information from Preston Parish Council on 10th December 2012 for information relating to council resolutions approving the Planning Applications for the demolition of the existing Village Hall and the building of a New Community Hall with their associated costs.

A local Authority having received such a request under FoIA have 20 working days to respond, they can refuse to give the information for a number of reasons as listed in the legislation and in which case they are required to issue a Notice of Refusal, alternatively if there are no reasonable grounds for refusal they are required to release the information to the applicant within the 20 working days unless, they have informed the applicant of a delay in being able to respond and give reasons for that delay.

The council did not acknowledge the request or respond, I again repeated the request on 8th January 2013 asking that they respond in full or issue a Notice of Refusal, I received some information that the council the following day. I have now had time to read and consider the information sent to me. I do not believe the information I have received to be that requested but if it is, it’s very ambiguous.

Minutes 130906.

05-96 Refers to the lease for the existing Village Hall and draft plans being with East Riding Council, those minutes do not identify the draft plans they are referring to.

There is no mention of any application for the demolition of the existing Village Hall or the building of a New Community Hall nor is there any mention of costs relating to those applications.

There is no record of any council resolution approving the demolition of the existing Village Hall or the building of a New Community Hall. Therefore the minutes do not meet the request for information.

Minutes 140207.

05-027 Refers to a constitution having been drawn up, presumably for the Charity and an application for Building Regulations. It doesn’t clarify what the building regulations are for, presumably something to do with the existing Village hall.

These minutes also state that ‘Planning approval had been received’, for what? These minutes also refer to land transactions, again presumably for the charity?

There is no mention of Council approval for any Planning Application to be submitted for the demolition of the existing Village Hall or the building of a new one or approval for any associated costs. Therefore these minutes do not meet the request for information.

Minutes 140606.

05-66 refers to a quote of £6,000 for producing plans for the proposed village hall, that quote was accepted and agreed by council. The Chairman was to ask that the plans be produced in time for the Village Show.

Again there is no mention of any Planning Applications or their associated costs for the demolition of the existing Village Hall or the building of a New Community Hall.

Therefore these minutes do not meet the request for information.

The above minutes state a quote for plans of £6,000, the minutes show a payment to Frank Hill of £7,800?

We have always had difficulty in getting information from Preston Parish Council and normally the information we do get is ambiguous and wide open to misinterpretation.

It also allows the council if challenged to say they didn’t quite mean what we are interpreting it as and there will never be a clear unambiguous answer, there is always something secretive about the council.

There appears to be very little mention of issues that have been resolved by council by voting.

My request was very precise and clear so I fail to see how the council can misunderstand it or send inappropriate information, I really don't think it's by accident.

My understanding of council minutes is that they are required to be an accurate and clear record of the council meeting in question and for the purposes of posterity anyone can look back at those minutes whether in 10 or 100 years time and get a clear understanding of what was happing at the time of the meeting. Preston Parish Council Minutes are neither clear or accurate and will be of very little use to future generations.

If any historians look back at Preston Parish Council Minutes with a view to understanding the activities of the village at this time, I would suggest they will be completely and utterly confused by the ramblings of the minutes produced. They will be left with the necessity of having to half guess what was happing and try to make sense of it from that point of view.

By producing such ambiguous minutes the Parish Council is doing a great disservice to Preston, it’s future generations and its residents of today, not to mention failing to comply with legal requirements.

A very legitimate question is ‘by producing such poor minutes are they meant to conceal anything. Whatever your conclusion we return to the old position of yet another thing the council has produced that is confusing, misleading and not entirely honest.

Having read minutes from other councils that go back a number of years I can very clearly see what councils were considering, approving by resolution or rejecting by resolution, their minutes are clear and precise and anyone reading them is able to get a good handle hold on what they are about, not the case with Preston.

Could the council please review it’s production of minutes and come up with a new format that is informative and accurate not only for residents but for those historians that may be seeking to understand current council activity at some future date.

I have written to the council today and listed the minutes received so you are able to draw your own conclusions, I have listed the full minutes with the relevant sections highlighted in red.

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Preston Parish Council

Held at South Holderness School on 13th September 2006

Present. Councillors: Wood, Bell, Clappison, Fortnum, Little, Mendham, Pank, Parkes, Taylor and Walker.

(01-96) Apologies.  Accepted from Councillors Fenwick & Falconer.

(02-96)Approval of Minutes.  Minutes of the meetings held on 12th July and 18th August 2006 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

(03-96) Declarations of Interest.  Cllrs. Mrs P. Fortnum and Mrs L. Little declared personal interests in Cranswick Country Foods and took no part in any discussions relating to this item.

(04-96) Police Matters. The Police were not represented. The Clerk informed the Council that a letter had been received from the Humberside Police Authority advising that the police merger proposals for the region had been withdrawn. There was to be a meeting of the Hedon Police Neighbourhood Panel at Hedon Town Hall on the 27th September.

(05-96) Village Hall Project.  The Chairman reported that a new draft lease had been received from Burnstall which was to be considered and amended as necessary following a meeting with the PCC. Burnsall had been instructed to deal with the matter as soon as possible in view of the time scales already involved. The draft plans were still with the ERYC and no comments had been received as yet.

Clerks Report.

(06-96) Traffic Matters. The Clerk informed the Council that the ERYC proposed to make a traffic regulation order relating to the introduction of a 20mph speed limit in the Staion Road / Helms Avenue and Marshall Avenue area. The proposed scheme would include two speed reactive signs as traffic calming measures. Following discussion it was agreed that the Council lodge an objection to the proposals. The Clerk informed the Council that work being carried out on the traffic lights included the installation of a new set outside 6 Station Road which would create a clear zone for traffic entering Station Road from the North. This would in turn prevent larger vehicles from mounting the curb. There was nothing to report on the proposed access only scheme for Neat Marsh Road / Middle Lane and Acey Lane area..

(07-96) Parish Paths.  Nothing to report.

(08-96) Yorkshire Water.  Nothing to report.

(09-96) Allotments.  Nothing to report.

(10-96) Preston South. A letter had been received from Hedon Town Council regarding complaints by residents in the Farrand Road area regarding motorcycles using a gap in the hedge at the east end of the amenity area. After some discussion it was considered that the hedge was the responsibility of those responsible for the bridal path on the east side of the hedge. Clerk to inform Hedon Town Council.

(11-96) Preston Church Yard.   The Clerk informed the Council that Smiths of Derby had been to service the Church Clock.

(12-96) Burial Ground.  Nothing to report.

(13-96) Parish Newsletter.  Nothing to report.

(14-96) Cranswick Country Foods. It was reported that the company was appealing to the planning inspectorate on the refusal of its planning application by the ERYC. There was some discussion on whether the revised plans would be submitted to the ERYC.

(15-96) Hull to Withernsea Railway Line (RL4). Nothing to report.

(16-96) Parish Office. Nothing to report.

(17-96) Proposed Closure of Public Conveniences.  The Clerk informed the Council that Sandhills Nursery had agreed to plant a selection of shrubs on the new amenity area. It was agreed that this item be removed from the minutes.

(18-96) Preston Village Sign.  Nothing to report.

(19-96) Plans for Household Waste Incinerators within the East Riding.  The Clerk informed the Council that Hedon Town Council had officially objected to the planning application from Waste Recycling Group Ltd. for an incinerator in the area. The Chairman reported on the last HOTI meeting where information had been received on a Bio-Science incinerator which was being built in the Liverpool area. It appeared that this type of incineration was much more environmentally friendly and more economical to operate than the type used by Waste Recycling.

(20-96) E. Whiting. Notice to quit tenancy of allotment land at Weghill Road.  The agreement with the new tenant, R. Robson, had now been signed and Mr Whiting had received the fees in respect of the agricultural entitlements. It was agreed that this item now be removed.

(21-96) Streetscene . Comments were raised relating to some verge edging and pavement cleaning not being completed. Clerk to follow up.

 (22-96) Correspondence.
1. Far Grange Golf Club. Wind Farms the case against. Meeting 18th September. Information only.
2. ERYC.  Parish & Town Council Web site facility. Offer of easily maintained web site fir parish and town councils. Following discussion a proposal to take up the offer was refused on a two for six against vote. No further action.
3. ERYC. Election of representatives of Parish & Town Councils to Area Forums. The Clerk informed the Council on the results. Councillor Clappison had been unsuccessful in being elected. Information was provided on dates of meetings and deadlines for items to be included on agendas.

(23-96) Planning Applications
DC / 06 / 05554 / PLF. Erection of single storey extension to rear following demolition of existing at 80 Hull Road, for Mr, & Mrs. Houlton. Application type: Full planning permission. No objection.
DC / 06 / 06891 / PLF. Erection of single storey extension to rear following demolition of existing conservatory at 16 Manor Road, for Mrs Simms. Application type: Full planning permission. No objection
DC / 06 / 07149 /PLF.  Submission of details as required by condition no.21 of planning  permission ref. 05 /01360 / STPLF relating to pedestrian refuge at land east side of New Princes Avenue, for Scruton and Co. LTD. Application type: Approval of details required by condition. Objection, recommendation of condition should adhered to.

(24-96)To receive notice of decisions on planning applications.
Notification to fell a tree within the Preston Conservation Area. Application Number 4838. Approved
Application to prune a tree at Manor Road. Application Number STA 4797. Approved.
DC / 03867 / PLF. Single storey extension at 71 Staithes Road. Approved.
DC /06 / 04444 / PLF. Two storey extension & carport at 36 Andrew Lane. Approved
DC /06 / 04287 / PLF. Erection of stables at land west of the Cottage Acey Lane. Refused.
DC / 06 / 04222 / PLF. Erection of conservatory at 1 Chapel Mews. Approved.
DC / 06 / 02330 / PLF. Enclosure for pumping station behind 79 Station Road. Approved.
Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Appeal by Mr & Mrs Galbraith. Site at land east
of Tithe Road. APP /E2001 / A / 06 .2007121. Dismissed.
Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Appeal by Mr & Mrs Tessyman. Site at Abbey House, Abbey Lane. APP / E2001 / A / 06 / 2006140. Dismissed.
The following appeals had been lodged:
Appeal case Number:05 / 00144. Work to alter appearance of existing garage and retention thereafter at 26 Kirk Road.
Appeal Case Number: 06 / 00158. Erection of building to house new abattoir facility. Cranswick Country Foods Plc.
Appeal case Number: 06 / 00169. Retention of external non illuminated sign. Destiny Fitness.

 (25-96) Accounts.
The following accounts were approved for payment.
ERYC.    Water account burial ground          £8.05p
SOS.        Office supplies.                              £89.64p
Russells Ltd. Tractor spares                          £14.87p
K.C.         Telephone account                        £54.11p
R Waterson   Wages / Travel / Parish Paths £715.38p
C. Cromack     Salary                                     £471.30p
Frank Hill.  Village Hall project drawing   £2350.00p
Frank Hill.  Allotment land entitlements.  £1435.00p

(26-96) PACE. The Clerk advised the Council that it had agreed to support the group on receiving confirmation that the group had its own bank account (minute1844 11/01/06 refers). This had now been confirmed and following discussion it was agreed that a donation of £100 be granted under the L.G. Act 1972 section 137.

Date of the Next Meeting.
11th October 2006 at Preston South Village Hall commencing 7.30pm.

Signed……………………………                    Date ……………………………..

Minutes of the Meeting of Preston Parish Council

Held at Preston South Village hall on 14th February 2007

Present. Councillors: Wood, Bell, Clappison, Falconer, Fenwick, Fortnum, Mendham, Pank, Parkes, Taylor and Walker

(01-027) Apologies. Councillor Little.

(02-027)Approval of Minutes.  Minutes of the meetings held on 10th January 2007 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

(03-027) Declarations of Interest.  Cllrs. Mrs P. Fortnum declared a personal interest in matters relating to Cranswick Country Foods.

(04-027) Police Matters. The Police were not represented and the Clerk had nothing to report.

(05-027) Village Hall Project.  The Chairman reported that a constitution had been drawn up and would be brought to a future council meeting for approval. The application for building regulations approval had been submitted to the ERYC. The Clerk and Chairman had attended a funding seminar hosted by WREN and confirmation had been received that the project was within the land fill site 10 mile radius required. The Chairman advised that planning approval had been received, however, there were conditions attached. Certification that no land transaction had taken place in securing the lease was signed for HM Revenue & Customs. The document had then to be returned to Burstalls Solicitor.

Matters Arising.
(06-027) Traffic Matters. The Clerk reported that he had received notice that the access only restriction for Middle Lane / Acey Lane area would come into force on the 15th February for an 18month period, during which time traffic monitoring would be carried out by the ERYC. Councillor Pank raised the issue of the pedestrian crossing facility at the Main Street junction not appearing to be working at School times. It was stated that the lights did operate but pedestrians could be waiting for up to three minutes before the green light indicated they could cross the road safely. The Clerk to contact Alan Frankish to see if the situation could be improved. It was suggested that Mr. Frankish contact the school to advise on how the pedestrian crossing sequence worked.
(07-027) Parish Paths.  The Clerk advised that the Nuns Walk gate had been repaired and re-fitted.
(08-027) Yorkshire Water.  The Clerk informed Council that a letter had been received giving reason for the recent constant odours from the treatment works as a result of a chimney stack being damaged during recent high winds. Work was underway to repair the stack. Councillor Pank gave an update on the recent pumping station installation advising that residents in the area were experiencing odours from the vicinity.
(09-027) Allotments.  The Clerk advised the Council that allotment holders at Sandhills would be gaining extra turning area as part of the development work taking place at the Sandhill Nursery.

(10-027) Preston South. Nothing to report.

(11-027) Preston Church Yard.   The Clerk advised the Council that he had taken delivery of the signage for no ball games allowed in the church yard.

(12-027) Burial Ground.  New signage for the burial ground had been received.

(13-027) Parish Newsletter.  The Clerk informed the Council that Sandhills Nursery had offered to sponsor the production of the next newsletter. It was agreed that the offer be taken up.

(14-027) Cranswick Country Foods. The Clerk advised Council that the planning application for the site had been approved by the ERYC but as yet no official notice had been received.
(15-027) Hull to Withernsea Railway Line (RL4).  The Clerk informed the Council that any work carried out by contractors should have been reinstated.
(16-027) Parish Office. The Clerk was looking at prices for paper shredders.

(17-027) Preston Village Sign.  The Clerk informed the Council that the new village sign had been sited on Wyton Road. This item to be removed from the minutes.

(18-027) Plans for Household Waste Incinerators within the East Riding.  The Chairman gave a report on the Hull City Council planning meeting held 8th January when approval had been given for the proposed incinerator. He advised that HOTI were now looking into appealing against the decision and one possible option was going to the European Parliament.

(19-027) Playing Field Footpath Lighting.  The Clerk advised that he had been informed that the street light had been repaired, however, no invoice had been received to date.

(20-027). Humber and Wolds Rural Community Council. Parish Plans. This item to be removed and an agenda item relating to Parish Plans to be included on the next agenda.

(21-027) ERYC. Planning liaison Meeting. Hedon Town Hall 1st February. Councillor Taylor and the Clerk gave a brief report on the meeting.

(22-027) Correspondence.
1. Graham Stuart M.P. The future stratergy for Community Health Services. Request to support the opposition of proposed closures of NHS beds at Withernsea, Beverley and Driffield by the Primary Care Trust. It was agreed that a letter be sent to the PCT objecting to its proposals to close beds and the preferred option of 30 beds at Goole and 30 beds at Bridlington. Clerk to action.
2. NALC. Review of the Quality Town and Parish Council Scheme. Update. Noted.
3. ERYC. Community Composting Officer. Introductory letter. Noted.

(23-027) Planning Applications
DC / 06 / 100160 / PLF.  Erection of a dwelling at land rear of 26 Kirk Road. Application type: Full planning permission. Refuse.
DC / 06 / 08798 / PLF. Retention of caravan in connection with operation of kennels at Paradise Kennels 3 Cottage Holdings East End Road. Application type: Full planning permission. Approve.
DC / 06 / 00406 / PLF Installation of antenna and 1 GPS antenna on existing tower at Holderness House, Staithes Road. Application type: Full planning permission. Refuse.
DC / 07 / 00338 / OUT / Erection of 3 dormer bungalows following demolition of existing bungalow at The Garth, 44 Manor Road. Application type: Outline planning permission. Refuse
DC / 07 / 00464 / PLF. Change of use from domestic garage to granny annexe at Fairways, Neat Marsh Road, for Mr & Mrs Richmond. Application type: Full planning permission. Refuse.

(24-027)To Receive Notice of Decisions on Planning Applications.
DC / 06 / 09577. Conservatory to rear at Pollard Cottage. Approved.
DC / 06 / 09779. Demolition of existing church hall. Approved.
DC / 06/ 09312. Erection of village hall. Approved.
DC / 06 / 09854. Conversion of outbuildings into two dwellings north of Field House Farm. Approved.
DC / 06 / 09614. Single storey extension to rear at Westliegh, Staithes Road. Approved.
DC / 06 / 09145. Erection of dwelling and garage at land to the rear of 22 Main Street. Refused.

 (25-027) Accounts.
The following accounts were approved for payment.
R. Waterson   Wages / Expenses                             £201.29
C. Cromack     Salary                                              £471.30
Hedon Hire     Machinery maintenance                  £229.13
Woodmarket       Village Sign                                 £352.00
R.M.A.          Tractor Insurance                               £123.80
SLCC         Working With your Council updates     £19.70
Frank Hill &Son  Village Hall Project                     £2728.08

The Clerk circulated copies of a summary of accounts to the 31st January 2007 for the Councils information.          

(26-207) Election Timetable. The Clerk reminded members that local elections will be taking place on 3rd May 2007. Nomination papers will be available from the Clerk from 1st March 2007 and papers have to be at County Hall, Beverley by noon on 4th April. Non contested elections will be published on 11th April 2007.

Date of the Next Meeting.
14th March 2007 at South Holderness School commencing at 7.30pm.

Signed……………………………                    Date ……………………………..

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Preston Parish Council

Held at Preston South Village Hall on 14th June 2006

Present. Councillors: Wood, Clappison, Falconer, Fenwick, Fortnum, Houghton, Little, Mendham, Pank, Parkes, and Walker.

(01-66) Apologies.  Accepted from Councillors Bell and Taylor.

(02-66)Approval of Minutes.  Minutes of the meeting held on 10th May 2006 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

(03-66) Declarations of Interest.  Cllrs. Mrs P. Fortnum and Mrs L. Little: Cranswick Country Foods.

(04-66) Police Matters. The Police were not represented. The Clerk advised the Council that there had been problems at the cemetery with youths drinking and the litter bin had been vandalised as had the new gates. The incident had been reported to the police.

(05-66) Village Hall Project.  The Chairman informed the Council that a quote £6000 for producing plans for the proposed new village hall had been received from Frank Hill. This was considerably lower than previous quotes received. The Chairman advised that only two quotes had been received from six invites to tender sent out. Following debate it was proposed by Cllr Fortnum and seconded by Cllr Parkes that the quote be accepted this was agreed by Council. The Chairman added that he would ask that the plans be produced in time for display at the Village Show.

Clerks Report.

(06-66) Traffic Matters. The Clerk informed the Council that a letter had been received from the ERYC advising that following a meeting with residents in the Acey Lane / Middle Lane area a proposal for access only signs at both ends of the Lanes was under consideration. There followed some discussion on various options to the proposal. The Chairman asked members to give thought to the overall traffic situation in the Village and bring any suggestions back to Council for consideration.

(07-66) Parish Paths.  The Clerk informed Council that he had met with Steve Parker from the ERYC to resubmit the 2006 claim form in a standardised format.

(08-66) Yorkshire Water.  The Clerk advised that a letter had been received outlining the work being carried out at the plant to improve the environmental issues.

(09-66) Allotments.  Following the inspection the Clerk had sent letters to three tenants reminding them of their terms of contract relating to the upkeep of plots.

(08-66) Preston South. Nothing to report.

(09-66) Preston Church Yard.   The PCC were checking whether a faculty was required for signage and tree planting. Nothing to report.

(10-66) Burial Ground.  The Clerk advised that new gates for the Lytch Gate had been fitted. Quotes were being obtained for new signage.

(11-66) Parish Newsletter.  Next news letter planned for June / July 2006.

(12-66) Cranswick Country Foods. Before any debate Cllrs Fortnum and Little left the room. The Clerk informed that Council that a letter had been received from the Company inviting Councillors to view new plans for the proposed extension to the current operation. The Chairman invited Mr. R. Rooney, who lived adjacent to the factory, to give his comments.  After discussion it was agreed that as the Council were against any further development at the site the invitation be turned down.

(13-66) Hull to Withernsea Railway Line (RL4). Nothing to report.

(14-66) Parish Office. The Clerk advised Council that the handyman would be on annual leave for two weeks commencing 21st June.

(15-66) Proposed Closure of Public Conveniences.  Nothing to report.

(16-66) Preston Village Sign.  Nothing to report.

(17-66) Plans for Household Waste Incinerators within the East Riding.  The Chairman informed the Council that there was to be a meeting of HOTI on 6th July 2006 at South Holderness School.

(18-66) E. Whiting. Notice to quit tenancy of allotment land at Weghill Road.  Nothing to report.

 (19-66) Correspondence.

(1) ERYC Conservative Group. Re-organisation of ambulance service. Noted.
(2) Gary Hunter. Traffic Problems, Kirk Road Area. Mr Hunter had concerns at the amount of traffic ignoring the access only signs at Kirk Road and suggested various schemes to improve the situation. After some discussion it was agreed that the police be requested to carry out an enforcement exercise in the area.
(3) Mr K Smallwood. Westbridge Homes. Mr. Smallwood had concerns relating to a newly erected boundary fence between the Manor Farm development and Kirk Road residents. Council noted Mr. Smallwood’s comments.
(4) ERYC. Streetscene. Notice of walkabout for the week commencing 10th July. Cllr Little and Clerk to attend.

(20-66) Planning Applications
DC / 06 / 03622 /  PLF. Erection of single storey extension at 20 Garbutt Close, for Mr & Mrs Coulman. Application type: Full planning permission.
DC / 06 / 03235 / PLF. Erection of two storey extension and bay window / tiled canopy to front (amended plans), at 3 Thornton Grove, for Mr. Swales.
DC / 06 / 03612 / PLF. Erection of summer house to the rear at the Old Forge, School Road, for Ian & Sarah McNaught. Application type: Full planning permission.
DC / 06 / 03194 / PLF. Erection of single extension to rear, construction of loft conversion and erection of garage following demolition of existing garage at 42 Hull Road, for Mr Broxham. Application type: Full planning permission.
DC /06 / 03867 / PLF. Erection of single storey extension to the rear at 71 Staithes Road, for Mr. Cropp. Application type: Full planning permission.
DC / 06 / 03434 / PLF. Erection of first floor extension to existing conservatory at rear and first floor extension to side at Saltend Social Club, for Destiny Fitness. Application type: Full planning permission.

(21-66)To receive notice of decisions on planning applications.

DC / 06 / 02547. Two storey extension to dwelling east of 84-86 Main Street. Approved.
DC / 06 / 01770. Relocation of boundary fence at 22 Andrew Lane. Refused.
DC / 06 / 02996. Display illuminated sign at North East Truck. Approved.
DC / 06 / 02470. Single storey extension at 8 Village Farm. Approved.
DC / 06 / 02468. Single storey extension at 33 Rectory Lane. Approved.
DC/ 06 / 01207. Two storey building to rear at 30 Main Street. Approved.
DC / 06 / 02576. Extension to rear and dormer to front at 3 Ness Lane. Approved.
DC / 06 / 01823. Retention of sign at Destiny Fitness. Refused.

(22-66) Accounts.
The following accounts were approved for payment.
R Waterson   Wages & Parish Paths cut.                   £736.25
C Cromack     Salary & expenses                             £512.20
Sandhills         Equipment                                          £17.99
ERYC             Burial Ground Water                          £6.01
ERYC             Telephone account                              £52.73
Avalon Software   Annual Support                            £45.24
Woodmarket     New Lytch Gates                            £570.00

(23-66) Litter Bins. It was agreed that the vandalised litter bin outside the burial ground be replaced. Clerk to order through the ERYC.

(24-66) Right of way at Sandhill Garden Centre. The Clerk informed the Council that he had received a draft agreement for the relocation of the right of way to the Sandhill allotments. As there was a question over ownership of the land that gave access to the allotments it was agreed that the item be reconsidered at the next council meeting.

(25-66) ERYC Area Forums. Information had been received relating to Forum areas and terms of reference . Parish and Town Councils were also invited to submit nominations for forum representatives. It was agreed that Councillor Clappison be nominated on behalf of the Council.

Date of the Next Meeting.
12th July 2006 at South Holderness School commencing 7.30pm.

Signed……………………………                    Date ……………………………..


  1. I’ve lived in Preston for a good few years now and I don’t have a clue who these people listed on the minutes are, I’ve never heard of them, why do they keep it so quiet!!

  2. We tried to restart the football club at the Playing Fields but the council wouldn’t allow anything like that, total waste of time trying to talk to them.

  3. I happen to think the council do a reasonable job, look at the village hall and how that has improved, your being a little too harsh and be a little more on what they do right might balance things.
