Tuesday, 4 March 2014


We would like to remind readers, this blog is not run by any one person, it has a number of residents as members and we work as a team, no single member has full control on what appears. If you wish to comment on anything on this blog you should either comment through the normal channel or email us direct, If you would like to join our group please email us, thank you.



Hi Jan Hunter, thank you for your comment, I shall try to answer all your points.

If you have read previous posts you will be aware that I make a point of letting readers know that I am far from being an expert on anything let alone Council Meetings. My view and opinion is given as a lowly resident and not as a knowledgeable Councillor. I arrived at my opinion by researching the requirements for Council Meetings and the role of the various participants.  My opinion, and it’s only my opinion, is that the procedures followed during many Council Meetings do not marry up with the requirements, I shall be posting on this subject in the near future, maybe you would care to read it and point out where I’m going wrong.

You suggest I should put my name forward to be a Councillor, I have been asked to do that by a number of residents also by a Ward Councillor, I have considered it and rejected the idea. In 2011 we had, I believe without checking, 6 or 7 new councillors elected to make a difference to how the council operated and how it involves and connects to residents. In my view and it’s just my view from observation, those aims have not been realised, if 6 good residents are unable to change things, what makes you think one more would make any difference?

You could very well be correct in that I sometimes rant and I respect your opinion in that regard. But, at least I take an interest and at least I’m passionate about it and I do believe that there is a need for some one to speak out, if no one speaks out the situation will only deteriorate further and we could well be left with chaos. In that event we would not be able to put all the blame on the Parish Council because we as residents would be equally at fault by not speaking out.

Yes we have had almost 300 comments though I didn’t mention the number of emails as that wasn’t referred to in the previous comment from ‘anonymous’, who by the way made the same points you are making. You have stated very emphatically that we only publish comments that are from the same person, unless you have made almost 300 comments to this site you already know that isn’t correct. In any event many of them are ‘anonymous’ comments and we have no idea who they are from. If all comments are from the same person I can only suggest that person is really very fickle because the comments cover a wide range of opinion from pure opposition to total support, which suggests to me they are not all from the same person.

You ask “why?” we only publish comments from the same person, we appear to be going round in circles, I can only tell you that we publish all comments except for a number of comments on very recent posts, which we have already covered.

You suggest I am devoting a great deal of time to this Blog, I can assure you I don’t spend a great deal of time on here, I have other things I need to do and other people I need to consider. That is possibly why some of my posts may come across as “ranting”, I don’t re-read them 20 times in order to ‘polish’ them up before I publish them, so again I apologise if they come across as “kinder Garden” rants, I certainly don’t mean them to.

You go on to suggest that I say that I have “much support”, as far as I’m aware I have never said that, though I have thanked people for their support as they have given it. You say I should make the Parish Council and Public aware of my support and opinion. 

To date there has been more than 16,000 page views on this blog, I don’t know who those readers are, it may be only one person who has read this Blog but that person would have had to read it 16,000 times, I don’t consider that to be a realistic proposition. As for making the Parish Council aware, you will see in previous posts that I made every attempt at making contact with the Council to enter into a dialog to resolve any issues I might have with them. The Council has never responded so I now do it the only way that appears to be left open to me as a resident, registered voter and precept payer of the Parish.

As for me being bored, as far as I’m aware you don’t know me so I’m unsure how you reach that conclusion, you may have noticed that there are planned breaks in this Blog and they can last 5 months where I nor anyone else posts on this site, if we were bored we wouldn’t have those breaks, would we?

You are correct to some degree in saying that I’m just one person, I do not and will not ask others to fight my battles nor will I hide behind the skirts of women, the Council have been aware who I am from the start and they are still aware today. My door has never been closed to the Council, which has been my whole point.

That I think answers the points you raise, but if I could just add. Your comment has been similar to many others in that they want to shoot the messenger instead of dealing with the message. You clearly disagree with me on, it would appear, most points. If you think or know anything on this site that is incorrect, dishonest or misleading please contact us again with details of same and we shall try to address them, in doing so you would be a great help in resolving the issues through debate or at least possibly coming to an open conclusion.

Thank you for your comments Jan and very many thanks for reading.


If there are any residents with similar experience of the council do please contact us by comment or email. If you wish we will post on your experience without your identity being released, or not post anything if you simply want to share your experience it’s entirely up to you. We would love to hear your story, your not alone, there are a number of us, let us compare notes and grow as a group.


  1. Here! Here! Somebody needs to speak out and as far as Im concerned your doing a good job. Supprised your earlier posts are still up though, thought by now you would have had to take them down!! They all seem to condemn you for speaking out but nobody challenges whay you say. Have you had any letters from solicitors yet?

    1. Hi Pete

      No we haven’t had any complaints or letters from lawyers up to now but there’s still time for that. Seems they’re all keeping tucked away and quiet!

      Thanks for the comment Pete.

      The Team

  2. Dave, Preston.4 March 2014 at 19:38

    Hi Ken. Just wondering what research Jan did before reaching her conclusions, didn’t sound as though she had done too much but maybe Im wrong so can Jan let us know?

    1. Hi Dave, thanks for your comment, obviously we can't answer it so we'll have to wait and see if Jan does.

      The Team

  3. Jan Hunter
    I would like to say I do not agree with you or disagree with you I don't know you or your village (i had to look it up on the internet) I live some 90 miles away. All I was saying is that one lone voice will get no where . from my experience as a long term lodiest for the pubic, business & county councils you need comments , published comments , letter writer's to the parish & county council without that you'll be seen as a persistent complainer . Big organisations be it private or public will take no notice off 1 / 5 or even 10 people writing without hard evidence (not copied from each other) .
    keep at it , I'll keep reading with interest . I see my comments have got others commenting , but unless they write it won't help & 16000 hits on the blog also meens nothing without letters & emails to the relervent authorities .

    1. Dave, Preston.5 March 2014 at 19:18

      I know Ken has thanked you for your comment Jan, but if I could also thank you as you have also answered my query.


  4. Because nobodys ever challenged what this guy says, i believe every word and i was a sceptic at first. So if he can't get any justice and these poeple can walk all over him and nobody like east riding are interested, how does he get any justice and who the hell holds these twats to account. Every resident in every village is at risk from this kind of abuse by corrupt officials.

    If you ask me people from all villages should get together and demand every council clean up its act because it seems to me that theyr all at it.
