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Posted by Kenneth Lyons.
I attended the Council Meeting tonight (03/03/2014), it confirmed and reinforced
the reason why I haven’t been to one of these meetings for a while. I get
totally frustrated with how they work and what they talk about, which I have to
say is nothing or at least its anything as long as it isn’t relevant to the
issue being considered.
Tonight as I understand it, was to consider the “soundness and
legality” of East Riding’s “Proposed Submissions Documents”. I had the very
distinct impression that not a single councillor had taken the time or trouble
to read any document on the protocol for reaching this point in a legal and
sound manner.
We had talk of Preston not being a ‘Village’ or ‘Primary Village” its a
‘Hamlet”, people who lived in some houses or other that had now become flats,
big red fire engines that are bigger than the ones we currently have, traffic
blockages, a bypass and that would be down to a builder to build, where the
by-pass would be and how it wouldn’t improve the traffic in Preston, drains in
Bilton and how many houses could be connected to it, how in 1999 East Riding
said they wouldn’t build in Preston until the traffic problems had been
adequately addressed and a host of other subjects that were totally irrelevant
to the purpose of the Council Meeting, all this took up at least 95% of this section of the meeting, yes I was watching the time.
We had a resident who has spent a lot of time and hard work collecting
signatures for a petition to East Riding on the traffic issues in Preston, who
was told by a Ward Councillor that she was wasting her time and it would make
absolutely no difference at all, terrific, who’s side are the council on?
At the end of this section of the meeting and before the Council went
on to consider Planning Applications the Council Chairman gave a little speech
about how the Council never seemed to get any residents at Council Meetings.
The Chairman said, “maybe the Council
isn’t relevant to the lives of residents and that the Council didn’t know if
that was the Council’s fault”. The Chairman went on to say the Council was
having its meeting next Monday in the café in the Co-op Supermarket, every body
had a good laugh, including Council members, at that point I could take no
more…I had to leave!
I worked for an International Broker and I can only go by the meetings
I attended and in many cases arranged and Chaired with an agenda of items.
Every attendee had to be up to speed on the subject earmarked for discussion.
My time was accounted for during every day in the coming year and what I never
had time for, was some one going off at a tangent and getting off track. There
had to be a conclusion drawn, a plan for moving that subject forward and
responsibilities assigned, that was the end of the meeting.
Maybe I’ve got the wrong end of the stick and Council meetings operate
in a very different way to what I’m used to but I have to say, I have great
difficulty in coming to terms with wasting my time at meetings that appear to
cover very little, go nowhere and avoid the subject in question. I have only ever been to
Preston Parish Council meetings in a public forum and they are very different
from business meetings I am more accustomed to, so if I am being overly harsh I
can only apologise, I can only put it down to my lack of experience.
The Ward Councillor who attended explained that the current process has
been going for the last 8 years. I know that the council has received all the
documents relating to that process over that time but cannot prove that many of
them were never even opened, I know that from a Council source.
Should the Council have shown a little leadership and drawn those
documents and plans to the attention of residents some years ago? Wouldn’t this
be a very good subject for Parish Meetings to consider the implications and
gather the views and opinions of residents?
Obviously none of the above, it seems to have been the domain of 13
Councillors to let this slip through because the decision seems to have been
theirs alone, is the Council relevant to residents lives, I’ll leave you to
figure that one out.
Allow me to give the Council a clue, the Council is there to manage the
Parish and its affairs and representing the views of residents. In 2010 more
than 500 residents sent letters to East Riding objecting to a housing
development of 20 dwellings, last year almost 600 residents objected to housing
developments in the village, currently there are about 700 residents who have
signed a petition objecting to the current Submissions Document. I make that in
the order of 1800 residents, not withstanding duplications that are against
development due to traffic issues in Preston. Those figures are pretty well
exclusive to Preston North, does the Council happen to know how many residents
live in Preston North?
The current Council has been sitting for the last 3 years and certainly
since that first development in 2010, the Council can argue this blunder was
down to the previous administration, which I would agree with, but can the
Council explain to residents why it has not in the last 3 years taken up this
cause on behalf of residents instead of leaving it till 7 days before the whole
process reaches its conclusion?
If the Council want to know if it’s relevant to the lives of residents
and why no residents (to speak of) attend Council Meetings I suggest the answer
is no, thats why nobody attends Council Meetings!
I have been asked by a number of residents if I will submit a note of
interest in the current vacancy on the Council. I told them I would consider
it, after tonight I’ve considered it and my answer is “if you pee into the wind you normally get wet”, I prefer to stay
dry thank you!
We intend to publish a post on housing allocations in the near future,
you might find it interesting.
If there are
any residents with similar experience of the council do please contact us by
comment or email. If you wish we will post on your experience without your identity
being released, or not post anything if you simply want to share your
experience it’s entirely up to you. We would love to hear your story, your not
alone, there are a number of us, let us compare notes and grow as a group.
If your such a expert on meeting procedure you should put your name forward to be a councilor instead of ranting like a kinder garden child , you've stated in a previous comments that you've had 300 messages & emails but you only publish the ones from the same person , why ? after all if I was spending as much time as you are on the subject & had as much support as you say I'd make sure the public & council new about it , at moment you appear to be one person who's board .
ReplyDeleteJan Hunter