We would like
to remind readers, this blog is not run by any one person, it has a number of
residents as members and we work as a team, no single member has full control
on what appears. If you wish to comment on anything on this blog you should
either comment through the normal channel or email us direct, If you would like
to join our group please email us, thank you.
It would be appropriate to outline group and individual
associations for the purposes of clarity.
Kenneth Lyons, Resident.
I have opposed Preston Parish Council since mid 2010, when it
became apparent to me from carefully considering the available evidence that
the council operated in the best interests of those other than residents and
wasted large sums of public funds.
Although I personally know a number of Parish Councillors, we
cannot be described as friends and as time moves on with my persistence in
trying to get to the truth, I become more and more ostracized by some members of the
Parish Council and residents associated with the Parish Council, which
fortunately in my view is a very small and insignificant percentage of our population.
By not posting the truth I firmly believe that I would be
exposing other residents to very real risk of the same abuse, and possibly by
the same person should any resident wish to disagree with the Parish Council in
the future, I refuse to expose my fellow residents to the risk of any such
I have separated Council witnesses into the groups I shall be
referring to later in this post.
Council witnesses.
Group A Cllrs.
Date joined Council
Janet Weatherill
May 2011
Adrian Bullock
May 2011
Mandy Masters
May 2011
Keith Gilby
March 2012
Elizabeth Whatling 2010 ?
Group B Cllrs.
Date joined Council
Julian Clappison
< May 1999
Geoff Bell
< May 1999
Pam Fortnum
May 1999
Barbara Mendham
May 2003
Mike Fenwick
< April 2007
In my honest opinion the make up of the
two groups gives an insight into why there is such a serious discrepancy between
the witness statements. All the inaccuracies that in my opinion exist are
confined to Group B, the group
containing longer serving members of the Council who have been colleagues for
many years.
At the time of the incident Cllr. Julian
Clappison was Council Chairman and Cllr. Geoff Bell was Vice Chairman. I
believe that it is very telling that Cllr. Clappison chose not to comment.
Cllr. Clappison and I have opposed each other for more than 3 years and I
honestly believe Cllr. Clappison would not overlook any opportunity to take
advantage of this issue if I was in the wrong or being dishonest in any way.
I honestly believe Cllr. Clappison was not
foolish enough to submit an untruthful statement but couldn’t tell the truth,
as that would have condemned his long-standing colleague and friend.
Non Commenter’s.
There are a few members of the Parish Council who chose not to give
witness statements, according to the Investigating Officer for the Standards
Committee, Those were:
joined Council
Martin Acey
May 2011
Helen Harrison
May 2011
Lyn Carmichael
May 2011
Nora Hughes
New Councillors where elected in May 2011 in the hope that change
for the better would result and our Parish Council would become more open,
honest and accountable to the people who they represent. In my honest opinion
all Councillors have a duty to uphold the Code of Conduct, which they swear to abide
by on taking office. In my considered opinion all Councillors have a duty to respond
when their governing body requests them to give a witness statement in connection
to any incident that occurred during a Council meeting, to not do so is in my
opinion failing the reasonable expectations of all residents who elected them.
I firmly believe that it is possible this matter could have been
fully resolved some time ago if the above Councillors had given statements at
the time.
WITNESS STATEMENTS, will be posted in the next couple of days.
If there are
any residents with similar experience of the council do please contact us by
comment or email. If you wish we will post on your experience without your
identity being released, or not post anything if you simply want to share your
experience it’s entirely up to you. We would love to hear your story, your not
alone, there are a number of us, let us compare notes and grow as a group.
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