We would just
like to remind readers, this blog is not run by any one person, it has a number
of residents as members and we work as a team, no single member has full
control on what appears. If you wish to comment on anything on this blog you
should either comment through the normal channel or email us direct, If you would
like to join our group please email us, thank you.
3. Some Suggested
Documents for your campaign.
Notice of Meeting Preston Parish
registered electors of Preston Parish are hereby invited to at meeting to be
held at the Community Hall, Main Street Preston.
(day, date and
Agenda will be:
Motion proposing that a Poll of the whole Parish is held on the following
“Do you want Preston Parish Council
to make a full disclosure of costs, funding sources and all relevant
information relating to any Parish Consultation and its outcome to the proposed
Preston Play Park? Yes or No”
meeting is called by the undersigned six electors of this Parish
Contact the Parish Council
Chairman and Parish Clerk and inform them of your intention to convene a Parish
Meeting by telephone, meeting or by letter. Suggested form of Letter to Clerk
to the Parish Council/Chairman to the Parish Council prior to the Parish
Preston Parish Council
Re. Parish Meeting.
I refer to our recent
telephone conversation/meeting/letter concerning the above. As a matter of
courtesy I am formally writing to notify you that I have now arranged the
parish meeting for (date, time and place).
I enclose herewith a copy of
the Notice of Meeting for your
information. I have to-day displayed this notice on (list of locations, request
to have it listed in both Parish Notice Boards on Main Street and at the
Community Hall).
I have to-day sent a letter
similar to this one to (Chairman/Clerk of the Parish Council) together with a
copy of “Notice of Meeting”.
At the Parish Meeting I, or
one of those calling the meeting, will propose the following motion:
That this Parish Meeting
hereby requests the East Riding County Council to hold a poll under Schedule
12, part 3 of the Local Government Act, 1972. The question to be asked shall
“Do you want Preston Parish Council
to make a full disclosure of costs, funding sources and all relevant
information relating to any Parish Consultation and its outcome to the proposed
Preston Play Park? Yes or No”
If you have any queries
about the proposed Parish Meeting please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank
you for your assistance to date.
Yours sincerely,
Preston Parish Meeting
held in the Community Hall, Main Street,
At 7
pm on (Date)
1. The appointment of a
Chairman for the Meeting. (unless Parish Council Chairman attends)
2. The
appointment of a Secretary for the Meeting. (unless Parish Clerk attends)
3. A
proposal by (name), a parishioner of Preston Parish as follows:-
this Parish Meeting hereby requests the East Riding County Council to hold a
poll under Schedule 12, part 3 of the Local Government Act, 1972. The question
to be asked shall be:
“Do you want Preston Parish Council
to make a full disclosure of costs, funding sources and all relevant
information relating to any Parish Consultation and its outcome to the proposed
Preston Play Park? Yes or No”
Proposer speaks to the proposal (see prepared address DOCUMENT 4)
4. An
open discussion on that proposal
5. A
vote (record full details of numbers).
6. Close
of Meeting.
The Proposal and Suggested
address to the Parish Meeting to be given by the proposer:
That this parish meeting
hereby requests the East Riding County Council to hold a poll under Schedule
12, part 3 of the Local Government Act, 1972. The question to be asked shall
“Do you want Preston Parish Council
to make a full disclosure of costs, funding sources and all relevant
information relating to any Parish Consultation and its outcome to the proposed
Preston Play Park? Yes or No”
Purpose of this Parish Meeting:
It is not the purpose of
this meeting to have a debate on the advantages or disadvantages of such a Play
Park. Neither is it intended to be a forum for a discussion on the merits or
otherwise of the Play Park.
The purpose of this meeting
tonight is to fulfill a simple legal requirement and it is this. If at least
ten parishioners vote for this proposal then the East Riding County Council
will be obliged to hold a parish poll in this parish asking the question set
out in the proposal.
That poll must take place
within not more than 25 days of this meeting.
The sole purpose of this
meeting tonight is to compel Preston Parish Council to be open and transparent
when it comes to major projects affecting the community as a whole and to seek
a broader consensus from within our community.
There are a number of
procedural requirements that I am required to fulfill, as follows:
On the (day and date) I posted
a formal Notice of Meeting signed by six parishioners of Preston Parish on/in
(list of all locations where notice was left/posted).
On (day and date) I notified
by letter both the Clerk and the Chairman of Preston Parish Council of the
intention to hold this Parish Meeting and sent them a copy of the “Notice of Meeting”.
(The following to be included only if the Clerk and Chairman are not
present) I spoke to both individuals on (date) and invited them to attend
but they were unable to accept that invitation.
Schedule 12, part 3 of the
Local Government Act, 1972 places a requirement on Town and Parish Councils to
hold a ‘local poll’ on any subject which concerns the electors of that town or
parish, provided at least 10 or one third of the electors, whichever is the
least, attend a Parish Meeting and vote to have a poll.
If such a poll is voted for
at this Parish Meeting then East Riding County Council is required to hold that
Parish poll within 14 to 25 days of that vote.
Background to this Parish Poll:
Why are we seeking to hold this Parish Poll?
There has been much confusion regarding the Preston Play Park, we
have had leaflets through our doors in 2012 stating that fund raising is
progressing well and a start on installation should begin in early 2013, that
time scale has come and gone with little further information being made
There has been statements by people at the head of the project on
local Social Media sites to the effect that sufficient funds have been raised
and installation is expected to begin in September 2013. There has been
contrary statements on the same sites and at the same time by people leading
the project that there is a substantial shortfall in funding and the Play Park
may not happen after all.
There is much confusion regarding the project, arguing amongst
councillors/trustees, people trying to “take over” the management of the
project, serious questions on the accounting for funds, outside personnel
having to “rescue” the project, an insurmountable shortage of funds whilst at
the same time the equipment has been ordered, we need clarity and have a legal
right to the information requested as residents, electors and precept payers of
the parish.
Preston Charities and Preston Parish council are now heavily
involved with the project and appear to be making public funds available to the
project and the amounts are rumoured to be substantial.
Preston Parish Council appears to have the issue in ‘Lockdown’ and
are refusing to make information available to residents which denies residents
their rightful opportunity for debate on the issue.
If the project is meant for “all Preston” and substantial public
funds are being made available with all available external funding being routed
towards the Play Park along with ‘commuted sums’ it is essential that all
residents have the opportunity to voice their opinions, it must not be left
solely to the council and a few parents to decide the issue and merits of such
a scheme when the cost falls upon all residents.
If the project is sufficiently along that commitment to it can no
longer be abandoned all information should be made available to residents.
I must stress this matter cuts across the range of opinions in the
village, the purpose of this Parish Meeting and Poll is not to denigrate or
praise the Play Park. It is to provide the residents of the Parish with the
information they have a right to as registered electors, residents and
taxpayers and to give a voice to the residents of the Parish.
Suggested form of letter to
Parish Council Chairman and Clerk after the Parish Meeting has been held if
they were not present.
Re. Parish meeting (date)
I write to inform you that
at (time and date) a Parish Meeting was held at the Community Hall, Main
Street, Preston on the motion of the need for a parish poll on the question,
“Do you want Preston Parish Council
to make a full disclosure of costs, funding sources and all relevant
information relating to any Parish Consultation and its outcome to the proposed
Preston Play Park? Yes or No”
The proposer for the motion was (identify) of (address).
I enclose the following
three documents:
A form of Agenda for the
A written formal proposal
and an address to that proposal.
A copy of the minutes of the
You will note that (number)
parishioners attended the meeting and that (number) voted for the proposal. The
requirements, therefore, for holding a Parish Poll have been met.
I have this day notified East
Riding County Council of the result of this meeting and served upon them the
three above-mentioned documents requesting a parish poll.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Suggested form of letter to Monitoring
Officer of East Riding County Council following the successful holding of a
Parish Meeting.
For the information of the Monitoring
Officer (identify)
Dear (identify),
Parish Meeting at Preston
Community Hall, Main Street, Preston.
I am writing to inform you
that a meeting of the Preston Parish was held at (time and date).
The following motion was
“Do you want Preston Parish Council
to make a full disclosure of costs, funding sources and all relevant
information relating to any Parish Consultation and its outcome to the proposed
Preston Play Park? Yes or No”
voting was:
FOR - (number)
AGAINST - (number)
ABSTENTIONS - (number)
Number of electors present
at the meeting - (number). Include names and addresses.
The Proposer for the motion
was (name and full address).
The requirements for holding
a Parish Poll in this Parish have therefore been met (at least ten electors
supporting the proposal, or at least one third of those electors there present,
whichever is the least).
I enclose for your information
the following documents:
A copy of the Agenda which
was distributed at the meeting.
The formal proposal and address,
which was given at the meeting.
A signed copy of the Minutes
of the Meeting.
I would be grateful if you
would now hold a Parish Poll, posing the above question, within 14 – 25 days as
required under the regulations.
Would you please inform me,
as soon as possible, the date on which the poll will be held and all the
arrangements pursuant to that event.
Yours sincerely,
This completes our response to a Preston registered elector and taxpayer. We hope it has been helpful to your efforts.
If there are any residents with similar experience of
the council do please contact us by comment or email. If you wish we will post
on your experience without your identity being released, or not post anything
if you simply want to share your experience it’s entirely up to you. We would
love to hear your story, your not alone, there are a number of us, let us
compare notes and grow as a group.
I’m amazed at the thoroughness of your response thank you for that you seem to have covered all angles and you clearly understand the process. My concern would be that not many people would attend because their seems to be a lot of people who don’t like to put their names to things. As one commenter has said what would we do if East Riding refused to accept the request because of a technicality. Can I ask why you haven’t followed your own guidance and called a parish meeting on your issues. Would any of your group think about organising our meeting for us that would give us a lot more confidence.
ReplyDeleteHi registered elector and taxpayer.
ReplyDeleteWe will answer your comment as a post probably tomorrow.
Thank you for commenting.
The Team