Tuesday 25 February 2014


We would just like to remind readers, this blog is not run by any one person, it has a number of residents as members and we work as a team, no single member has full control on what appears. If you wish to comment on anything on this blog you should either comment through the normal channel or email us direct, If you would like to join our group please email us, thank you.


I’m getting the impression you’re a professional commenter Keith and I must say your comments are very welcome, though I need to be just a little careful how I respond to this comment. We are all very pleased and thank you for the kind words on your previous comment.

I learned a long time ago not to trust Preston Parish Council and if you wanted to challenge them you have to have proof of what transpired. I think your correct a voice or video recording would clinch it, I also agree the council would never give its permission for any recording.

I can say that with confidence because the Parish Council recently banned a councillor from making notes on an ipad, they were concerned the meeting was being recorded. Whether or not that councillor still uses an ipad or not, I don’t know.

When you say “it probably wouldn’t do any good anyway” I can only assume you are talking about any recording that was done ‘covertly’.

If so, can I respectfully suggest you are incorrect on that particular point. To record a Parish Council meeting covertly is not illegal, it is after all a public meeting, though such a body as a District Council may not entertain a recording gathered by such means, that does not apply to a Court of Law.

Such a recording would be admissible as evidence in a Court of Law, in fact if a Judge was made aware that such a recording existed and it was pertinent to the case being heard the Judge could and would almost certainly compel you to make that evidence available to the Court, you would have no choice but to comply.

I’ll stop there Keith and hope this answers your comment but if you would like further information regarding the recording of Parish Council meetings, please e-mail me.

Thanks for your good wishes.

If there are any residents with similar experience of the council do please contact us by comment or email. If you wish we will post on your experience without your identity being released, or not post anything if you simply want to share your experience it’s entirely up to you. We would love to hear your story, your not alone, there are a number of us, let us compare notes and grow as a group.

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